Supercharge your business with advanced technology

Technology is the key to growth. Finan provides cutting-edge platforms to optimize sales, streamline operations, and enhance management efficiency.
Our story

Touch the untouchable

After 15+ years at leading banks and tech companies, Finan's co-founders, Hai Nam and Hai Long, realized that SMEs are vital to Vietnam's economy but often lack the support they need.


Amidst the pandemic, SoBanHang emerged to support over 600,000 business owners in just 3 years, helping them scale their operations 3-5 times.


These businesses, led by ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs, still face challenges with limited access to technology and finance. That’s why we are dedicated to providing the tools they need to elevate their business, drive growth, and optimize financial management.


Our mission is to empower SMEs to overcome obstacles, adapt, and contribute to a more sustainable market — a vision that Finan is committed to.

Mission & Value

Empower businesses to thrive on digital technologies

Backed by

Social impact

Empowering every business owner

Finan is committed to a sustainable and equitable future by reducing our carbon footprint and enabling every business to grow through technology

Supporting women businesses

Women are the backbone of many businesses. Our products empower them to grow with user-friendly design and affordable costs.

Creating an inclusive society

Our products are not just tools; they are bridges to opportunity, designed to be accessible for all

Reaching rural areas

We bring easy-to-use technology to rural areas, helping business owners connect with new opportunities and compete fairly

Social impact

Empowering every business owner

Finan is committed to a sustainable and equitable future by reducing our carbon footprint and enabling every business to grow through technology.

Supporting women businesses

Women are the backbone of many small businesses. Our products empower them to grow with user-friendly design and affordable costs

Creating an inclusive society

Our products are not just tools; they are bridges to opportunity, designed to be accessible for all

Reaching rural areas

We bring easy-to-use technology to rural areas, helping business owners connect with new opportunities and compete fairly

Our team

Since 2021